

Hi! My name is reema

I am a highly motivated full stack web developer based in Toronto. I'm constantly seeking out new skills and opportunities to help me become more a more well-rounded programmer.I love problem-solving, improving my coding knowledge.

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A_b_o_u_t M_e

I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer based in Toronto, Canada.

A recent graduate of the BrainStation Web Development Diploma program and am always striving to level up my skills in all things internet. I love problem-solving, improving my coding knowledge and designing sleek and beautiful websites. I am able to build a Web presence from the ground up from concept, navigation, layout and programming. Skilled at writing well-designed, efficient code using current best practices in Web development. Self-driven and goal-oriented professional committed To build websites with rich user experience

Prior to becoming a developer, I was in Talent Acquisition focusing on tech recruitment, and was inspired by the various solutions developers created and built to solve problems..

I am quite focused about making my career in the web development sector. I have a master degree in computer application. Besides, I possess a Full time web development diploma from BrainStation Toronto

H.T.M.L. 5
C.S.S. 3
Git Hub
V.S. Code

M_y W_o_r_k

Check it out!

Meme Dream

<p> It’s a free online tool, so end user can experience the instant making of memes online like never before. It would helps the user to select a meme template. Enter the text user want to be displayed at the top of the image. Enter text user want to appear at the bottom of the image. Hit the create button. Meme will be generated.</p>



<p> InStock, warehouse inventory and tracking application, Collaborative programming project utilizing Jira organizational software to coordinate project tickets in an agile environment. Web application allowing users to find, add, or remove warehouse and inventory data.</p>

Skills: React, NODEJS, EXPRESS JS, CSS3, APIS, Team Programming


<p> Brainflix, Created a dynamic video streaming single-page application over a period of three sprints.A video streaming platform where users can upload their videos with descriptions. Axios was used to post videos and content as well as to populate data from the RESTful API, which was built using Node and Express.js on the server side. </p>

Skills: React,JavaScript, CSS3/SASS, APIS, NODE JS, EXPRESS JS

The Bandsite

<p> The Bandsite An interactive, multi-page website built using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. A multi-page website which allows users to post comments and view upcoming band show date information in a table format. Information was generated from a RESTful API using axios and comments were posted via JavaScript and axios.. </p>

Skills: Axios, JavaScript, CSS3, APIS

Coding Challenge - Bitcoin

<p> Bicoin Challenge Blockcyphers API to return the balance of a specific bitcoin testnet address and also make a payment using testnet bitcoins. Were i got free Bitcoin from faucet for testing purposes only and created transaction using node js </p>


C_o_n_t_a_c_t M_e

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